How to show up for your business when the world is on fire

If you’re feeling less than inspired to show up in your business right now - you’re not alone.

The world is on fire - literally and figuratively.

We are witnessing multiple genocides that are being live streamed for all to see, yet the injustices continue, day in and day out.

We are witnessing an absolutely horrifying legal and “justice” system here across Turtle Island.

We are witnessing far too many Black, Brown, Indigenous, Trans and 2SLGBTQIA+ innocent lives being taken.

It’s no walk in the park being a human on planet Earth right now.

The heaviness and collective anger, grief, anxiety and uncertainty is so much to bear.

So how the heck are we supposed to show up and talk about our $500 gut health course, or our 1:1 business coaching? Or in my case, a program about business growth and money?

It all feels so… pointless, irrelevant and even insensitive to talk about when there’s so much collective rage, anxiety and grief, right?

I hear you. I’m struggling with this myself and want to be clear that I do not have all the answers nor do I think there are any right or wrong answers.

I’m writing this to share with you what I am personally doing to keep my business moving (and sometimes pausing) through these times.

First, I’d like to say that if you do have the privilege to pause your business (i.e. other income sources and little to no expenses to cover in your business) that’s not a bad idea if that’s what feels aligned for you.

The culture of capitalism we’ve been immersed in makes it hard for us to understand that it’s okay to have seasons of rest, of sacred pauses, and inner ceremony, reflection, learning, listening and of course grieving.

For those of us who need to do what we have to do to survive under capitalism, we’re finding that we have almost zero time to process all of the collective trauma we are experiencing.

This is a major problem and this is personally one of the many motivators for me to keep working on my business so that someday in the future I don’t have to show up 9-5 no matter what, even if I’ve been up all night crying because an innocent Black man was murdered.

Rest in peace and power, Marcellus Williams.

While I do have a stable 9-5 alongside my business and could technically pause all my business sales, I can’t do this without going into business debt.

And… I don’t want to.

I have team members I’ve committed to paying, platforms I’ve committed to subscribing to and programs I’ve committed to running whether the money keeps coming in or not.

Plus? My business isn’t just business and it’s likely not for you either.

My business is personal. It’s my life purpose and passion.

Of course I feel extremely blessed that I can take breaks from it when needed, thanks to my other sources of income and I recognize this is a privilege you may not hold.

So whether you’re continuing your business during these times out of necessity or out of undeniable passion and a need to focus on something that feels positive - I see you.

Here is my best advice for you, which you’re welcome as always to take or leave.

1.Embed your values into your business

Talking about and living your values as you run your business has never been more important - even if you think your business has “nothing to do with politics”. What’s happening in the world right now is so much bigger than politics. In fact, I don’t think our politicians are going to be the ones to change things for us. I actually think it’s companies and stakeholders that hold the most power to create change… and guess what? You own a business? You’re a company! You’re a stakeholder!

Yes, of course we as small businesses hold much less power than the fortune 500 billionaires but there are way more of us. According to the Government of Canada statistics: As of December 2022, there were 1.22 million employer businesses in Canada. Of these, 1.19 million (97.8%) were small businesses.

Imagine what power we could have if we each, within our own business, established and embodied values that reflect the kind of world we want to see. Imagine if every small business or even 50% of every small business made it their mission to create equal opportunity for disabled folks, 2SLGBTQIA folks and folks of the global majority. What if every small business decided that for every sale they make, they’d give 10% into a local community needs fund, or back to the Indigenous peoples on whose territory the business operates, to Black Lives Matter, or to relief and aid being sent to places like Gaza.

One of the most empowering things about being a business owner is that you are a policy maker. You are automatically equipped with the power (and responsibility) to create real change in the world - even if your business is selling DIY Slime kits on Tik Tok.

Every single business can either be just another cog in the machine that upholds the status quo or it can be a vehicle for dismantling systems of oppression. As the CEO, you get to decide.

2. Is your heart heavy right now? Let us know

I will always be in favour of transparency and authenticity because it humanizes you and your business and now more than ever - we want to buy from humans, not companies or AI bots. It’s important not to view this as a “strategy” for getting more sales by talking about supposed values that you aren’t actually living - like we see with green washing, rainbow washing, etc. But view it as a way to genuinely connect with your customers and create a real opportunity for relationship building.

If you don’t know how to show up and talk about weight loss or manifestation right now, then don’t. Show up and tell us about the grief you’re feeling, the anxiety, the uncertainty or better yet if you have capacity, use your voice and platform to speak up for those who can do little more than get out of bed today. I’m thinking especially of my Palestinian friends who somehow get up, advocate for their people and carry on with their business or job as best they can, meanwhile the only thing I’d be able to do if I was in their shoes is probably lay on the floor crying all day.

It is important that we all carry some of the load that is this collective grief. Black, Brown and Indigenous bodies have carried too much for too long. We need everyone - especially those with the most power and privilege - to feel and hold some of this grief so that it can eventually be turned into action and real change.

3. Deepen the purpose of your business

Regardless of what it is you are selling, this moment in time is an opportunity to reflect on everything I’ve shared above regarding the big difference your small business can make.

Maybe for your next launch, you could donate a portion of the money you generate to a cause that’s on your heart. Or maybe you can even use your gifts to offer a free healing circle right now, or sell a low-ticket class as a fundraiser. Maybe you could offer pro-bono coaching, healing or therapy sessions to someone from a marginalized community who is most impacted by the weight of the world right now.

Speaking of money, while it’s been demonized (and understandably so given all the harm that’s been done in the name of greed and money lust) think of all the amazing change you can create when you are well resourced. And that’s all money is - a resource. It is what we do with it that matters.

I love knowing that the profit I take home from my business then goes on to allow me to buy from Palestinian and Indigenous artists, hire and support 2SLGBTQIA and global majority contractors and businesses, local businesses, and more. Remember that your business and your money can be a very powerful tool and really, so many of the injustices happening today are a result of the wrong people having too much money. Money is power whether we like it or not, so we may as well get as much of it as we can back into the hands of those who will use it responsibly - including you, dear one.

I’m wishing you so much abundance, peace, success, fulfillment and above all else - the deep knowing that your ripple effect matters. You may feel like a tiny drop in the ocean but remember how much just one drop can ripple out and change the vibration of the matter around it.

Cheering you on,


PS - if this way of growing your business resonates, I invite you to check out Steward of Wealth: A 4-month “hive mind” and live program for socially conscious entrepreneurs who are ready to scale beyond $5K months - ethically. We start January 2025 and there’s a NEW early bird bonus 1:1 call that expires October 15, 2024. Instant impact: 10% of your investment will support my home community Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory as we raise funds through Good Medicine Wellness for sweat lodge facilitation and cultural healing activities.

Check it out and get your application in once you are sure this is the space for you.


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