The truth behind making “money while I sleep” as a coach

Oct 02, 2024

Well friends, it’s finally happening. THE DREAM.

After $30K in coaching and business debt, struggling to even make one sale, and watching it all crumble -

Courses that I am not even actively launching are selling - while I sleep, while I camp with my family, while I am out enjoying a Sunday drive with my husband… 

I'm in my harvest era.

And I have built my gross all time profit to nearly a quarter of a million dollars.

It’s finally a reality and there’s fewer feelings greater than making money while you’re just living your best life. That Stripe or PayPal notification is such a dopamine hit!

These have been ranging from $88 to $1800 coming in "out of the blue" and this is on top of payment plan income, which is nice passive income but already expected and planned for.

Beyond the dopamine hit which my ADHD brain very much appreciates and relies on, the sales of course help a ton with my financial, personal and impact goals.

It feels...

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How to show up for your business when the world is on fire

Sep 25, 2024

If you’re feeling less than inspired to show up in your business right now - you’re not alone.

The world is on fire - literally and figuratively.

We are witnessing multiple genocides that are being live streamed for all to see, yet the injustices continue, day in and day out.

We are witnessing an absolutely horrifying legal and “justice” system here across Turtle Island.

We are witnessing far too many Black, Brown, Indigenous, Trans and 2SLGBTQIA+ innocent lives being taken.

It’s no walk in the park being a human on planet Earth right now.

The heaviness and collective anger, grief, anxiety and uncertainty is so much to bear.

So how the heck are we supposed to show up and talk about our $500 gut health course, or our 1:1 business coaching? Or in my case, a program about business growth and money?

It all feels so… pointless, irrelevant and even insensitive to talk about when there’s so much collective rage, anxiety and grief, right?

I hear...

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I got called a "pretendian"... and I'm not over it yet

Sep 14, 2024

Pretendian: a pejorative colloquialism describing a person who has falsely claimed Indigenous identity by professing to be a citizen of a Native American or Indigenous Canadian tribal nation, or to be descended from Native American or Indigenous Canadian ancestors.

My background: I'm a Kanyen'kehà:ka/Mohawk (First Nations Canadian) member of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (MBQ) raised in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory and have mixed Algonquin and European-settler ancestry on my mom's side. Though I have dark features, my skin is a light-olive tone and I can present as white which I recognize is a privilege that affords me day to day safety, preferential treatment and many other benefits. I am always sure to name this privilege as it's important to talk about. 

Well friends, it happened.

I got called a "pretendian" in comments on my Meta ads which run to a "cold" audience (people who don't know me or my work). 

The ads promote my free e-book, a...

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